Add Apps To District iPads

Add Apps To District iPads

Purchase App In Apple School

  1. Go to Apple School Manager
  2. Once logged in on side tab select the Apps and Books Tab
  3. Search for app being requested in the search bar and select it
  4. Choose location to Assign to: Knoxville School District 202
  5. Enter number for Quantity: 1000
  6. Then select Get

Sync App To Securly MDM and Assign To Relevant iPad Groups

  1. Now head over to the Securly Device Console
  2. Once logged in on side tab drop down the organization menu
  3. Select the Settings tab
  4. Once in the Settings Menu select the Apple VPP Menu
  5. Select the box for Apple Connection and then choose Reactivate and resync
  6. Once this process runs you will notice the apps will appear in Securly with their licenses
  7. Go into app in Securly MDM and check the auto-update box (apps will not update if this isn't checked)
  8. Now assign the new Apps to the appropriate groups
  9. This will allow the screen layouts to have these new apps.
  10. In the appropriate screen layout add the newly assigned apps
  11. Run the schedule layout

Items to consider if apps do not populate:

  1. Does Group have a network profile assigned?
    1. Organization > Network profiles > Group Assignment
  2. Does Group have a restriction profile assigned?
    1. Organization > Restriction profiles > Group Assignment
  3. Does App have enough  licenses
    1. Organization > Apps > iOS apps > INSTALL COUNT/LICENSE COUNT
  4. Is Screen Layout Schedule correctly assigned to the group
    1. Organization > Screen layouts >  Screen layouts schedule > scheduled task > Assigned Groups
  5. Is Ipad in appropriate group?
    1.  Organization > Devices > Group